Brand Schaeffers
Part Number 0132-001B

Schaeffer's Moly Extreme Pressure Engine Oil Treatment | 1 Pint Bottle

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SKU: KFWC-0132-001B
Schaeffer's Moly Extreme Pressure Engine Oil Treatment | 1 Pint Bottle

Schaeffer's Moly Extreme Pressure Engine Oil Treatment | 1 Pint Bottle


Product information

Schaeffer's Moly EP Oil Treatment 0132 is an extreme pressure engine oil treatment designed for diesel and gas engines. It contains advanced additives to reduce oil consumption, improve ring seal, reduce engine friction and wear, and increase engine oil pressure. The specialized additive package forms a long-lasting lubricant film, preventing metal-to-metal contact for improved performance and fuel efficiency.


  • Increased compression through better ring seal.
  • Reduction in oil consumption and blow-by.
  • Reduction of sticking valves and lifters. 
  • Reduced engine friction and wear. 


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